Drawer Box Insert Options

Drawer Box Insert Options
Our Cutlery / Utensil inserts come in 5 standard configurations, 3 designed for cutlery drawers, and 2 designed for utensil drawers. However, custom configurations are available, just send us a drawing or a sketch! The insert itself is constructed of 3/8” thick by 2 3/16” high solid wood in the species of your choice. These are standard dimensions, but again, custom sizes are available. The Cutlery / Utensil inserts are removable for easy cleaning and flexibility.

Cutlery Inserts

Cutlery Option A - CA

Insert A-CA


Cutlery Option B - CB

Insert B-CB

Cutlery Option C - CC

Insert C-CC

Utensil Inserts

Utensil Option A - UA

Insert A-UA

Utensil Option B - UB

Insert B-UB

Spice Insert

A - SA

Our Spice Insert comes with a standard spice shelf configuration and height. However it can be ordered in custom width and depth to accommodate your drawer size. The insert itself is constructed of 3/8” thick plywood and solid wood in the species of your choice. The spice insert is removable for easy cleaning.

Drawer Boxes - Spice Rack Insert

Knife Block Insert

A - KA

Our knife block insert come with a standard knife configuration and height. However it can be ordered in custom width and depth to accommodate your drawer size. The insert is made with solid wood in the species of your choice and can be removed for easy cleaning. 

Drawer Boxes - Knife Block Insert