Dealer Aids
Elias Woodwork supplies sample kits tailored to your business.
Through many years of experience selling doors all across North America, we realize that what may be popular in California, may not be popular in Montana. We also have noticed that some manufacturers may want to sell certain species or door styles, and stay away from others.
Our Sales and Customer Service staff will work with you on preparing a sample kit which is tailored for your needs, and includes the products, species, colors and styles based on your input. Most sample kits ship within 1 week. Or, if you would prefer a mix of our most popular products, just let us know and we will send our standard sales kit to you. Each product comes with a label identifying the products to make ordering easy and accurate.
Elias Woodwork & Manufacturing solid color samples serve as a good representation of color and tone which our consumers can expect in a painted finish. Minor variations in tone and texture may be noticeable across different species or substrates. The color of a Solid Color Lacquer Paint Finish, particularly light colors, may shift slightly over time with exposure to direct sunlight.
If you plan to complement the renovation with additional material by matching the finish locally, we highly recommend waiting until the live order has arrived and using finished product for the match requirements instead of using the color swatch. This will ensure that you’re getting a unique match to the current material.
To continue providing your customers with good representation of Solid Color Lacquers, we suggest ordering replacement samples every 1-2 years. Please contact your Customer Service Specialist as these are required.
Sample Kits Available
Sample Box - $100 ($200 value)
- 34 wood stain samples
- 25 wood paint samples
- 5 FPL samples
- RTF sample book
- Cabinetry Color Visualizer card
- Elias Ruler & Pen
- Premier Series Catalog
Note: Number of samples subject to change.
Starter Kit - $160 ($320 value)
One time order per new customer
- 3 sample doors
- Sample Box including:
- 34 wood stain samples
- 25 wood paint samples
- 5 FPL samples
- RTF sample book
- Cabinetry Color Visualizer card
- Elias Ruler & Pen
- Premier Series Catalog
- Product Catalog
Cardinal Kit - $220 ($420 value)
- 6 Stock Sample Doors
- Sample Box including:
- 34 wood stain samples
- 25 wood paint samples
- 5 FPL samples
- RTF sample book
- Cabinetry Color Visualizer card
- Elias Woodwork Ruler & Pen
- Premier Series Catalog (up to 5 additional copies available upon request)
- Product Catalog
Supreme Kit - $300 ($600 value)
- 10 Stock Sample Doors
- Sample Box including:
- 34 wood stain samples
- 25 wood paint samples
- 5 FPL samples
- RTF sample book
- Cabinetry Color Visualizer card
- Elias Ruler & Pen
- Premier Series Catalog (up to 9 additional copies available upon request)
- Product Catalog
Ultimate Kit - $400 ($800 value)
- 15 Stock Sample Doors
- Sample Box including:
- 34 wood stain samples
- 25 wood paint samples
- 5 FPL samples
- RTF sample book
- Cabinetry Color Visualizer card
- Elias Ruler & Pen
- Premier Series Catalog (up to 14 additional copies available upon request)
- Product Catalog
Additional Kit Material

- Additional Doors from stock sample list: $20 each
- Additional stain, paint & FPL samples: $5 each
- Additional RTF sample book: $15
- Additional Premier Series Catalog: $3/catalog
- Product Catalog: $5/catalog
- Custom doors, color swatches and other product samples available upon request.
Custom Marketing Material

Let us help you market your business with some customized brochures or handout cards you that you can give to your potential customers. Each brochure or card can feature your choice of doors from our Premier Series catalog with YOUR business logo and contact information on the back. Minimum order of 100.
Brochure Costs: (See pdf Sample)
- (one time $50 set up fee)
- $75.00 for 100 brochures
- $37.50 per additional 100 brochures
Card Costs: (See pdf Sample)
- (one time $50 set up fee)
- $62.50 for 100 cards
- $31.25 per additional 100 cards
For all displays we have preselected the sample doors to show a large range of styles, materials and coating types to make sure you have something for everyone's tastes. If you would like to select the cabinet door styles yourself please indicate the doors you would like to have on your purchase order or talk to your Customer Service Specialist.
Hanging Wall Display - HWD
Table Top Refacing Display - TTRD / TTRD2
Cabinet Doors Section ONLY: TTRD
Cabinet Doors & Drawers: TTRD2
Table Top Refacing Before and After display is intended to help you describe the refacing process and give your customers a visual for transforming their existing cabinets from old to new which aids in the selling process. This versatile, light weight display is small enough to be carried and is intended for table top use. It can be utilized in a show room, as a home sales tool or even a trade show display. The display comes with two cabinet doors, a face frame, hinges, door pulls and crown molding.